My girlfriend JennySwirl came to visit last weekend and we were psyched. We had plenty of things scheduled...dinner Friday night with my boyfriend, a trip to the city to see the Biennial at the Whitney, she had some special Egoscue exercises she wanted me to learn. Well...trust me...we were looking forward to all this.
But mostly it was a chance to get together and talk -- uninterrupted -- that made us so happy. Mostly. My next concern was -- "what am I going to serve"??? How can I relax and have fun if I'm fussing in the kitchen and doing dishes?
The answer -- "don't fuss." Things took care of themselves and this is how:
We went to dinner to this place that serves mega-meals. I mean it, the portions are enormous with calorie counts in the thousands and that's per dish! No wonder American's are so overweight. My sweetheart ordered the meatloaf dinner and I ordered a roasted eggplant dish. Both were very tasty but nothing to write home about. The Swirly one ordered a miso-salmon meal that was incredible. And, here's the best thing, there was plenty left over.
So, we wrapped up the extra salmon and the extra bread from the basket (also yummy, brown multi-grain) and the following morning, served it up with cream cheese and a bowl of fresh strawberries, raspberries and bananas. Add a pot of fresh coffee and we were set! Plenty of time for exercises! H'mmm...next time, I'll reconsider this part of the plan. Still, putting the seriously large dinner portion to good use -- for a second meal -- was a time saver and a waist saver. We even made it to the Whitney...but that's another story altogether.
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